In a heartbreaking incident, Christiana Idowu, a 300-level student of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, FUNAAB, Ogun State, has been reportedly killed after being abducted while traveling from Ikorodu to Yaba, Lagos State.
Christiana, who was undergoing industrial training at the University of Lagos, disappeared on her way to the institution. Her abductor has since been apprehended following a combined effort from security agencies.
Details of the case emerged on social media through a viral post by a user on X, formerly Twitter, where it was disclosed that intelligence operatives tracked down the suspect using bank details and BVN information linked to ransom payments made by Christiana’s family. According to the post, the abductors initially contacted Christiana’s family using her WhatsApp account and demanded a ransom of ₦1.5 million. After the family raised ₦350,000, the money was transferred to a betting account, which later became key in tracking down the suspect.
On August 19, 2024, Christiana was declared missing after the abductor sent photos of her in captivity to her parents. After several days of communication and ransom demands, the abductor ceased contact on August 26. Security operatives, with the help of bank records, eventually traced the suspect to his parents’ home in Ikorodu, where he was arrested by personnel of the Nigerian Army’s 174th Battalion.
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During his interrogation, the suspect reportedly confessed to killing Christiana and burying her body on his family’s property in a shallow grave. In a shocking twist, it was also alleged that the suspect may have been involved in the deaths of two other women in similar circumstances, including his ex-girlfriend in 2018 and his sister in 2020.
The tragic incident has sparked widespread anger across Nigeria, with the hashtag #JusticeForChristiana trending on social media as citizens demand accountability and justice for the young woman.
The disturbing nature of the case has drawn attention to the dangers of abduction and violence in Nigeria, with many calling for stronger measures to protect women and ensure swift justice for victims and their families.